The issue of LGBT has recently become one of the leading topics of discussion in Poland. Regardless of political views, it's worth being aware that the LGBT community has its unique features that strongly mark their presence in fashion and culture. One of these undoubtedly are LGBT films.

Foreign films on LGBT themes are not a novelty. The issue of sexual minorities definitely causes less controversy than in Poland, but this does not mean that it is completely ignored. On the contrary, the past decades have seen a rapid development of LGBT culture.

A significant and important part of this culture are LGBT films, which are appearing more and more globally each year. They are a way to popularize the LGBT topic, which translates into greater awareness among society and an increase in tolerance or acceptance of individuals. Below, we present the best LGBT films that have already become an important part of cinema.

1. "Brokeback Mountain"

It is hard not to start this compilation with one of the first widely commented and popular films like "Brokeback Mountain". A star-studded cast, including the phenomenal role of the late Heath Ledger, a relatively small budget for a Hollywood production and a story that captivated millions of viewers. It is a film that strongly plays on the viewer's feelings, it is unobtrusive, sometimes difficult, and leaves behind much more than just a pleasant impression.

Two men, two separate stories and one secret that connects them: love that meets with a total lack of acceptance and persists despite obstacles and the disapproval of their environment. LGBT themed films rarely show the difficult reality of homosexuals in such a subtle, yet striking way. This is definitely number one on our list.


2. „Tamte dni, tamte noce”


Film Luci Guadagnino to kolejny klasyk, jeśli chodzi o najlepsze filmy LGBT. Historia młodego Elio i sporo starszego od niego Oliviera urzeka nie tylko wspaniałą grą aktorską, ale też włoskim klimatem świetnie wypracowanych filmowych ujęć. Film w piękny sposób opowiada historię odkrywania swojej seksualności, obaw i strachu i w końcu namiętnego romansu dwóch mężczyzn. Nic dziwnego, że po tym filmie Timothée Chalamet stał się najbardziej rozchwytywanym aktorem młodego pokolenia.



2. "Call Me by Your Name"

Lucia Guadagnino's film is another classic when it comes to the best LGBT films. The story of young Elio and the slightly older Oliver captivates not only with its excellent acting, but also with the Italian atmosphere of the beautifully crafted film shots. The film beautifully tells the story of discovering one's sexuality, fears, anxieties and, ultimately, the passionate romance of two men. No wonder that after this film Timothée Chalamet became the most sought-after actor of his generation.



3. "Moonlight"

The film is loud, shrouded in controversy after the famous Oscar ceremony in 2017 and is one of the most discussed films in the context of LGBT. Films that fall into this category often directly address the issue of homosexuality of main or secondary characters. "Moonlight" is definitely the least literal of all five films mentioned in this compilation.

Some even engage in a discussion on whether this work should be classified as an LGBT film. Perhaps its success and masterpiece lie in addressing very difficult, but extremely important issues in a very indirect way, without dividing into what is black and what is white.



4. "Carol"

The loudest LGBT films may deal with love between two men, but this does not mean that they lack motifs of female love. "Carol" is the story of a young woman who falls in love with an older, married woman. The main roles are played by Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara. It is a very important film, not only because of the LGBT theme, but also because it addresses the issue of unhappy marriage and the difficulty of breaking free from social conventions.



5. "In the Name of"

What are the best Polish LGBT films? As one might expect, the LGBT topic still remains a controversial issue in Polish cinema. The problem is also the inability to properly present this topic. Hence, perhaps, the critically received film "Floating Skyscrapers". The film "In the Name of" with Andrzej Chyra in the main role was met with a more favorable reception, although it addresses two extremely difficult issues in Polish public opinion: homosexuality itself and the homosexuality of a clergyman.

Do Polish LGBT films have a chance to develop and exist in Polish cinema? As long as this topic elicits such extreme emotions, any attempt to capture this issue in a film frame will be difficult and prone to strong criticism. Fortunately, the young generation is characterized by great determination and perhaps soon we will be able to see a Polish LGBT film on the scale of "Brokeback Mountain".


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